


赖克强,男、中共党员、理学博士、教授、博士生导师。2006年6月毕业于华东师范大学化学系分析化学专业。2012年2月---2013年1月农业农村部渔业局挂职;2015年9月---2016年6月浙江大学访问学者。近年来在Food chemistry、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、分析化学、食品科学等国内外核心以上学术期刊以一作或通讯发表论文40余篇(SCI论文30篇,ESI论文3篇),申请专利7项,授权5项。2011年入选上海海洋大学首批“海燕计划”;首届“优秀硕士生导师”;参加编写“十二五”规划教材一部。担任《食品科学技术学报》青年编委,《当代化工研究》编委,Food Chemistry, Food Control, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Biosensors and Bioelectronics等期刊审稿人。浦东新区工程系列中评委委员,美国IFT会员,上海市食品学会会员,上海海洋大学学术委员会委员。



 1. 食品质量安全快速分析检测;

 2. 食品热加工过程中危害物的产生与控制;

 3. 新型功能材料的研发及应用。

































 1. 冷藏-复热对预制鱼肉中基于赖氨酸残基修饰的蛋白质类危害物形成的影响机制(32272391),国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与,(2022.01-2025.12,在研);

 2. 蛋白酶解产物对阿根廷鱿鱼鱼糜贮藏和加工过程中晚期糖化终末产物形成的影响研究(SKL202310),海洋食品加工与安全控制全国重点实验室,主持,(2023.9-2025.8,在研)

 3. 制备食品接触材料样品,上海海关,主持,(2022.01-2023.12,在研);

 4. 国外水产品捕捞环节质量安全控制措施(A160501),农业农村部,主持,(2022.01-2022.12,已结题);

 5. 编制养殖水产品质量安全工作手册(A120801),农业农村部,主持,2022.01-2022.12,已结题);

 6. 远洋极地渔获物中潜在危害因子的识别与控制技术(2017YFC1600706),国家十三五重点研发计划项目“水产品全链条关键危害物的迁移转化规律与安全防控技术研究”子课题,主持,(2018.01-2021.12,已结题);

 7. 酱卤肉制品绿色制造关键技术与装备研发及示范(2016YFD0401501),国家十三五重点研发计划项目“中式传统肉制品绿色制造关键技术与装备研发及示范”子课题,主持,(2016.07-2020.12,已结题);

 8. 调研国外主要国家渔业行政执法体制(125E0101),农业农村部,主持,2019.01-2019.12,已结题);

 9. 渔业渔政管理(171821301124232036),农业农村部,主持,(2018.01-2018.12,已结题);  

 10. 微波醇化白酒的研究,横向课题,主持,(2017.01-2018.12,已结题);

 11. 微波杀菌技术在高品质便捷食品研发中的工业化及优化,上海市科委地方院校能力建设项目(16050502200),参与,(2016.10-2019.09,已结题);

 12. 肉类食品禁用/限用添加剂的表面增强拉曼光谱特性及基底作用机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(31501558),参与,(2016.01-2018.12,已结题);

 13. 国际水产品加工业管理技术监测与分析(171721301102412135),农业农村部,主持,(2017.01-2017.12,已结题);

 14. 鱼皮明胶的提取、功能特性及其在食品中应用的研究,上海市教委创新项目(14YZ123),主持(2014.01-2016.12,已结题);

 15. 果蔬中农药残留的表面增强拉曼光谱指纹识别及痕量检测研究(31250006),国家自然科学基金,主持(2013.1-2013.12,已结题); 

 16. 基于表面增强拉曼光谱技术快速检测水产品中多残留渔药的研究(61250002),国家自然科学基金,参与(2013.1-2013.12,已结题);

 17. 基于表面增强拉曼技术的食品安全快速检测研究(09320503800), 上海市科委地方院校能力建设项目,参与(2009.08-2012.06,已结题);

 18. 基质固相分散法与HPLC技术联用检测多种渔药残留的研究(2008C32033),浙江省科技计划面上科研项目,主持(2008.01-2009.12,已结题);

 19. 甲烷光催化活化的研究,上海市优青专项基金(SSC06051),主持(2006.12-2008.12,已结题);

 20. 新型有机-无机插层复合材料的制备、表征及其光催化性能的研究,上海海洋大学博士启动基金,主持(2006.12-2008.12,已结题)。


 1. Zhijie Liu, Yiqun Huang*, Shanshan Kong, Junjian Miao, Keqiang Lai*, Selection and quantification of volatile indicators for quality deterioration of reheated pork based on simultaneously extracting volatiles and reheating precooked pork, Food Chemistry, 419, 135962, 2023.

 2. Qian Chen, Run Tian, Gang Liu, Yanli Wen, Xiaojun Bian, Donglei Luan, Huiyuan Wang, Keqiang Lai*, Juan Yan*, Fishing unfunctionalized SERS tags with DNA hydrogel network generated by ligation-rolling circle amplification for simple and ultrasensitive detection of kanamycin, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 207, 114187, 2022.

 3. Jiageng Li, Feixue Wu, Yiqun Huang, Junjian Miao*, Keqiang Lai* Revealing inhibitory mechanism of thiamine on the formation of 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f] quinoxaline based on quantum chemistry calculations and experimental verification, LWT –Food Science and Technology, 163,113552, 2022.

 4. Yuanyi Zhang, Yiqun Huang*, Yongfeng Kang, Junjian Miao, Keqiang Lai*, Selective recognition and determination of malachite green in fish muscles via surface-enhanced Raman scattering coupled with molecularly imprinted polymers, Food Control, 130, 108367,2021.

 5. Shuai Wu; Yiqun Huang*; Ming Chen; Xuefei Li; Xiaole Xiang; Keqiang Lai*,Protein-bound Nepsilon-carboxymethyllysine and Nepsilon-carboxyethyllysine in raw and heat treated whites and yolks of hen eggs, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 90,103491,2020.



 1. 赖克强;张苑怡;宁海花;苗军舰;曲映红,一种快速检测组胺的方法,ZL202110382350.9

 2. 赖克强;张苑怡;张成强;宁海花;苗军舰;蔡友琼;李颖畅,一种基于生物胺含量的鱿鱼新鲜度评价方法,ZL 2020 1 1145904.5

 3. 赖克强黄轶群樊玉霞宋佳赵志慧; 一种制备银纳米线的方法及利用该银纳米线为基底的SERS检测方法;ZL201610851653.X;

 4. 黄轶群; 赖克强; 孙晓华; 牛丽红; 王靖; 一种羧甲基赖氨酸的检测方法及应用,ZL 201310607487.5;

 5. 赖克强; 俞志根陆勤丰丛健 一种水产品中磺胺类和抗生素类药物多残留的分析方法,ZL101639466;

 6. 单永奎赖克强王一蕾孔爱国顾颖颖;  一种烷基紫精碘盐的制备方法,ZL200510029977.7;

 7. 单永奎赖克强孔爱国吕丽莉;  一种新型光催化反应器,ZL200420081656.2。



 1. Fuyu Chu, Zhijie Liu, Junjian Miao, Yiqun Huang*, Lihong Niu, Keqiang Lai*

Formation of advanced glycation end-products in minced pork during frozen-then-chilled storage and subsequent heating, Food Chemistry, 426, 136616, 2023.

 2. Yuxin Zhang, Huixin Qiu, Yiqun Huang* Junjian Miao, Keqiang Lai*,Modified paper-based substrates fabricated via electrostatic attraction of gold nanospheres for non-destructive detection of pesticides based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103(14), 7218-7226, 2023.

 3. Yuying Song, Huixin Qiu, Yiqun Huang, Xiaohui Wang*, Keqiang Lai*, Rapid detection of thiabendazole residues in apple juice by surface-enhanced Raman scattering coupled with silver coated gold nanoparticles, Spectrochimica Acta PartA: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 303, 123189, 2023.

 4. Fuyu Chu, Yi Lin, Yiqun Huang, Lihong Niu*, Keqiang Lai* Effect of sucrose on the formation of advanced glycation end-products of ground pork during freeze–thaw cycles and subsequent heat treatment, Foods, 12, 1024, 2023.

 5. Min Chen, Yiqun Huang, Junjian Miao, Yuxia Fan*, Keqiang Lai*,A highly sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensor with MIL-100(Fe)/Au composites for detection of malachite green in fish pond water, Spectrochimica Acta PartA: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 292, 122432, 2023.

 6. 宁海花, 周啟佳,杜枘,苗军舰,赖克强*,基于中红外光谱结合化学计量法快速检测油炸食吕用油品质,食品与机械38(6),94-98,2022.

 7. Haihua Ning, Huixin Qiu, Junjian Miao, Yinghong Qu, Keqiang Lai*,Effects of frying and baking processing conditions changes on biogenic amines and volatile components in Jumbo squid ( Dosidicus gigas ), Applied Food Research, 2,100114, 2022.

 8. Lihong Niu, Hui Yu, Lili Zhang, Qin Zhao, Keqiang Lai, Yongle Liu, Yiqun Huang,** Advanced glycation end-products in raw and commercially sterilized pork tenderloin and offal , Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 112, 104681, 2022.

 9. Qijia Zhou, Zhiping Zhang, Yiqun Huang*, Lihong Niu, Junjian Miao, Keqiang Lai*, Effects of acidulants on the rheological properties of gelatin extracted from the skin of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), Foods, 11,18,2812,2022.

 10. Shanshan Kong, Fuyu Chu, Yiqun Huang, Lihong Niu, Keqiang Lai*, Effects of salt concentrations on the advanced glycation end-products in dried salted spanish mackerel fillets during storage, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 16(5), 4171-4173, 2022.

 11. Jiaqi Wu, Yiqun Huang* Junjian Miao, Keqiang Lai*, Detection of thiram on fruit surfaces and in juices with minimum sample pretreatment via a bendable and reusable substrate for surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 102(14), 6211-6219, 2022.

 12. Yuanyi Zhang, Yiqun Huang, Yuying Song, Junjian Miao*, Keqiang Lai*, Effects of aggregating agents on the analysis of histamine in squidmuscle via surfaceenhanced Raman scattering, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization6(25):1-9, 2021.

 13. Xiaohua Sun, Xiangjun Li, Juming Tang, Keqiang Lai, Barbara A. Rasco , Yiqun Huang*, Formation of protein-bound Nε-carboxymethyllysine and Nε-carboxyethyllysine in ground pork during commercial sterilization as affected by the type and concentration of sugars,Food chemistry, 336, 127706, 2021.

 14. Yanxiu Qin, DanDan Cai, Danni Zhang,Yuan Liu, Keqiang Lai*, Characteristics of volatile flavor components in stewed meat and meat broths prepared with repeatedly used broths containing star anise, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 14(1):557-572, 2020.

 15. Yuying Song; Yuanyi Zhang; Yiqun Huang; Yuxia Fan; Keqiang Lai*,Rapid determination of thiram residues in fruit juice by surface-enhanced Raman scattering coupled with a gold@silver nanoparticle-graphene oxide composite, Analytical Letters, 53(7):1003-1018, 2020.

 16. Xiangxiang Bao; Junjian Miao; Yuxia Fan; Keqiang Lai*, The effective inhibition of the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines via adding black pepper in fried tilapia fillets, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45, 5:e14435, 2020.

 17. Yan Zhao; Yuying Song; Yuanyi Zhang; Yuxia Fan; Keqiang Lai*, Ultra sensitive detection of malachite green in fish muscle with gold nanoparticles and graphene oxide hybrid as a substrate for surface enhanced Raman scattering, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 14(2):658-667, 2020.

 18. Chenqiang Zhang; Yuanyi Zhang; Donglei Luan; Yinghong Qu; Yuxia Fan; Keqiang Lai*Changes in biogenic amines and total volatile base nitrogen in Gonatopsis borealis muscle during storage. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 14(1):106-113, 2020.

 19. 张梓涵, 赵志慧, 张苑怡, 樊玉霞, 赖克强*,新型银包铜纳米线的制备及在检测罗非鱼中孔雀石绿残留中的应用, 食品工业科技, 40(16),212-217,2019.

 20. 徐念薇, 黄轶群, 赖克强*, 基于表面增强拉曼光谱快速检测苹果汁中亚胺硫磷, 食品与机械35(5):72-77, 2019.

 21. 秦艳秀, 蔡丹丹, 樊玉霞, 陈艳萍, 赖克强*, 刘源, 黄轶群, 香叶循环煮制对肉汤挥发性风味的影响研究, 食品工业科技, 40(20), 271-277,2019.

 22. 陈铭, 吴帅, 黄轶群, 牛丽红, 樊玉霞, 赖克强*, 山奈、白芷和香叶对猪肉加热过程中晚期糖化终末产物含量的影响, 食品与机械35(4):1-6, 2019.

 23. Zhihui Zhao, Yiqun Huang, Yuxia Fan, Keqiang Lai* Rapid detection of flusilazole in pears with Au@Ag nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman scattering,Nanomaterials, 8.94,1-9, 2018.

 24. Zhiping Zhang,Lihong Niu,Lin Sun,Yiqun Huang,Yuxia Fan,Xiaohui Wang,Keqiang Lai*. Effects of powdered activated carbon, diatomaceous earth and β-cyclodextrin treatments on the clarity and volatile compounds of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus ) skin gelatin. Journal of Food Measurement & Characterization. 11(2), 894–901, 2017.

 25. Yun Bai, Shuai Peng, Lihong Niu, Hairong Bao, Yiqun Huang, Keqiang Lai*  Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Skin Gelatin,  Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 25 (6), 854-863, 2016.

 26. 曹雷鹏,牛丽红,孙晓华,樊玉霞,黄轶群,赖克强*,草鱼冰藏期间新鲜度及热加工性质的变化,食品科学 37(12):267-272, 2016.

 27. Lu Pei, Yiming Ou,Wansong Yu, Yuxia Fan, Yiqun Huang, Keqiang Lai*,Au-Ag core-shell nanospheres for surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection of Sudan I and Sudan II in chili powder, Journal of NanomaterialsDoi/10.1155/2015/430925, 2015.

 28. Yungang Shen, Shunsheng Chen, Rui Du, Zhuqing Xiao, Yiqun Huang, Barbara A Rasco, Keqiang Lai*, Rapid assessment of the quality of deep frying oils used by street vendors with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Journal of food measurement and characterization, 8, 336–342, 2014.

 29. Wansong Yu, Yiqun Huang, Lu Pei, Yuxia Fan, Xiaohui Wang, Keqiang Lai* Magnetic Fe3O4/Ag hybrid nanoparticles as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate for trace analysis of furazolidone in fish feeds, Journal of NanomaterialsDoi/10.1155/2014/796575, 2014.

 30. Lu Pei, Yiqun Huang, Chunying Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Barbara A. Rasco, Keqiang Lai*, Detection of triphenylmethane drugs in fish muscle by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy coupled with Au-Ag core-shell nanoparticles, Journal of NanomaterialsDoi/10.1155/2014/730915, 2014.

 31. 肖竹青, 黄轶群, 杜 枘, 申云刚, 孙晓华, 赖克强*. 傅里叶变换中红外光谱技术快速检测油条中的脂肪含量研究.食品工业科技, 34(21), 293-296, 2013.

 32. Fuli Zhai, Yiqun Huang, Xichang Wang, Keqiang Lai*. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for rapid determination of β-Agonist in swine urine. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 40(5), 718-723, 2012.

 33. Keqiang Lai, Aiguo Kong, Yongjie Ding, Hengqiang Zhang, Yongkui Shan*. Preparation and characterization of novel alkylviologens-intercalated vanadyl-vanadate (RV) V3O8Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 184(9), 2393-2397, 2011.

 34. Keqiang Lai, Fuli Zhai, Yuanyuan Zhang, Xichang Wang, Barbara A. Rasco, Yiqun Huang*. Application of surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy for analyses of restricted sulfa drugs. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety, 5(3-4), 91-96, 2011.

 35. Keqiang Lai, Yuanyuan Zhang, Rui Du, Fuli Zhai, Barbara A. Rasco, Yiqun Huang*. Determination of chloramphenicol and crystal violet with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety, 5(1), 19-24, 2011.



 1. 2022年度中国研究生乡村振兴科技强农+创新大赛三等奖;

 2. 第十四届全国节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖;

 3. 第六届“汇创青春”上海市大学生环境设计类一等奖;

 4. 2019年度上海海洋大学科技成果奖三等奖;

 5. 2019年度上海海洋大学教学成果二等奖;

 6. 2018年度校级优秀教学团队“基于大型仪器公共平台的本研一体化团队”;

 7. 上海海洋大学2017秋季学期“好课堂”;

 8. 上海海洋大学2016秋季学期“好课堂”;

 9. 2013年度上海海洋大学科技成果奖三等奖;

 10. 2013年第四届“知行杯”上海市大学生实践大赛特等奖指导老师之一;

 11. 2011年9月入选首届上海海洋大学 “海燕计划”;

 12. 2010年上海海洋大学爱普奖教金一等奖;

 13. 2009年上海海洋大学教学成果一等奖。